
Showing posts from December, 2019

Bad Style

a) thing, getting worse The rate of crime could rise, thus people must be concerned about it b) lots, don't The rate of unemployment is high c) sometime In the near future a vaccine os Malaria may be found d) The brands of japanese property decreased considerably e) can't, you The numbers on the report are unreilable f) Sadly, so on The high inflation led to poverty and social unrest g) Idioms He was euphoric when he won the prize h) Students must/should be paid to learn i) few years On 1987 women were able to vote j) There were three main causes of the Russian Revolution

Introductions: opening sentences


My first outline: "Does humour has limits?"

I:  (I think that) Limits in humour must not be stated for these reasons: humour depends on the subject, it is better to laugh than being depressed and it could create new kind of humour. II: Humour is subjetive A It depends on the subjet 1 Percentage of "black humour" comedians 2 Quotation of Fred Allen and Steve Allen B Freedom on humour C Famous comedians who talked about this topic 1 Fred and Steve Allen 2 David Suarez 3 Lynda Barry III: It is better to laugh than to be depressed A Laugh or be depressed about current social problems? 1 Percentage of depression 2 Racism 3 Machism B Laugh ot be depressed about history problems? 1 Jews 2 Nazism 3 Christianity IV: New type of humour A Random humour 1 It's popularity 2 Shitposts 3 It's popularity has been rising. B "Super Black Humour" 1 Having a big number of critics 2 Objetive 3 Representation on media and it popularity V: As conclusion, humour does not need limits, because t

Writing thesis statements

- Goverment survellance: Pro  1. Goverment can avoid many virtual and physical attacks 2. Controlling people equals having a better control of the country 3. Improving consume by posting ads. (I think that) Goverment Survellance is a good method to avoid social and physical disasters, to have a better control on people and to improve consumism. - Gun ownership: Cons 1. Avoid school shooting 2. Everyone can earn one, but they don't know how to use it 3. Avoid coup d'etat. (I think that) Gun ownership must be forbidden in all countries in order to solve problems such as school shooting, inexperienced people would make some mistakes, and coup d' etats. - Globalization: Cons 1. Ancient cultures just disappears 2. Makes a lower percentage on having new original ideas 3. Country esence just disappears. (I think that) globalization does affect to sections such as Culture, original ideas, and history.ç - Humour has no limits: Pro 1. Humour is subject

25. A movie star/singer you like

By way of introduction, celebrities is a topic too discussed. In my case, I love Emma Watson for many reasons. The first reason and most important one is how she take advantage of her fame and influence in order to state her opinions and trying to change the world to a better place. She declared herself femisist at the age of 19, and she has been fighting for women right since that moment. She had given speeches all around the world and helped a good number of women who had been victims of machism. Femisism is not the only movement she support, racism and the end of child labor; but here is stated her history with feminism because is the cause she helped the most. In addition, there are some quotes from Emma Watson I want to leave in this writting, "In my nervousness for this speech and my moments of doubt, I've told myself firmly, If not me, who? If not now, when?"; "Feminism is not here to dictate to you. It's not prescrptive, it's not dogmatic. All w

17. A good friend

The concept of a good friend is always changing nowadays, however, there are unique characteristics and functions a good friend needs to have, because being a good friend is very important, you have to be with your friend in a bad situation, have a connection and allow your friends act the way they are. The first and most important role consists in helping their friends and stay with them in a bad situation, in order to cheer he/she up, however a good friend has a mission on those situations, regardless of  your situation, whether you are happy or sad, your mission is to stay with him/her, because solving a problem is always easier in group than lonely. In addition, there is a quote that explain what I am saying: "A friend is someone who helps you when you're down, and if they can't, they lay down beside you and litsen" by Winnie the Poo. Therefore, we have that the most important role a good friend has is to always stay with you when you are down and spend time

The best car to own

For people good cars are the ones who have two only places, go fast, and pollute the most nowadays. However, this it is not real. First of all, good cars must be comfortable in order to give the driver the best way to drive. As the first characteristic and one of the most important one, most of the cars should have it. The reasons are simple, being comfortable allow drivers to travel for more time and it also reduce the percentage of accidents. Most truck drivers state that being comfortable is the most important think for a long trip, therefore not having discomforts on the body. Hence being more comfortable make drivers able to focus more on the road than on the pain, reducing accidents. Therefore, good cars must be comfortable in order to allow driver make longer trips and reducing accident percentage Pollution is becomming a bigger threat nowadays, thus automoviles companies must focus on reducing petrol release from cars or even making electric ones. So it is an important

22. Your favorite food

Food is so loved for people around the world, especially for me. I have to say my favorite food is pizza, I know it is so mainstream, but gosh, it is delicious. Pizza can be eaten when you have not time or interest on cooking at that time, therefore a pizza is always a good decision. For instance, when you reach at night to your house after a stressed work day and you do not want to spend time cooking due your tiredness, your solution is a pizza because you only have to put in your oven and wait around 20 minutes and you have your dinner. In addition, pizza on supermarket is cheap and easy to do. Therefore, after an intense work day, a pizza may be your solution for dinner, Either on parties or on arranges with your friend in a friend's house, to order pizza is always a good choice. The reason is simple, when you are hungry on a friend's house or on a party, a big size pizza for all participants is always so grateful by them, because it is tasty and put an end to their hun

21. Discrimination

Some people think discrimination is not a threat or a problem anymore, but that is not true. Indeed there are more than one type of discrimination, but it be stated two main type of discrimination, the gender one and race discrimination. The gender discrimination has been a problem since beginning of times. The reasons are not stated, because it is unknown why it happened, however this kind of discrimination has always happened. On Media ages, women had not right of voting(though a low percentage of the population could vote), and they were able only to take care of childs and to clean, even a man could break an oath and not getting punished while a woman could do the same thing regardless whether was her fault or not and being punished on a severe way. Although this situation is better currently, there are some cases of machism and misandry, such as women who have lower wage than man, or people that can't have a certain job due to their gender. Therefore, gender discrimination

20. Your first day in Finland

The first day in a new country is not only exciting but also atonishing due to seeing new type of architecture, life and places, therefore I suggest visiting literally everything as you can. In my case, my graduation trip we visited 5 countries on one week, hence the reason why we stayed there only for 1 day, but in that day i was able to visit a big part of Helsinki, and it was so stunishing that I was thinking to become a keen on photography in order to visit countries such as Finland and wathc those terrific views. Therefore, you need to visit everything on that country or city even on one day, because you won't regret it. Moving with how my day was, I hadn't have to deal with the annoying jet lag because I slept most part of the trip. At the time we reached, we went on bus to a famous market(I have photos on the first writting journal, WOW it is amazing how the time pass so fast). After that, We went to our hotel, left our luggage there and we went to visit more of the

19. Your last day in your country

Your last day in your country before a trip is usually a day in which you are resting in order to save strength for the trip and besides nervous, time go by so fast. Resting is super important, however on long trips(about 4h or 5h and more)it is recommendable not to sleep. In my case, on my last day before my field trip, I was very excited for it. In fact, most part of the day I was packing my clothing and charging my electrical devices such as the mobile phone and my battery. However, I wasn't only packing but also spending time watching netflix and resting. In addition, 5 or 6 hours before beginning the trip I met with some friends in order to being more calm, so we went to grab some ice cream, and the last 4 hours I spent it starting a new Netflix serie named Thirteen reasons why. Thus, what I did on my last day before a trip was packing, resting and being with my friends In conclusion on a last day before a trip, is important to rest before a long trip, however it is recomme

18. Shopping

Black Friday is a special weekend in which business and shops provide discounts in order to rise their sellings. Hence, it is so common to see many customers along this special weekend. Black Friday has a big history behind. This custom started on the late 19th, taking advantage of the day after the Thanksgiving and Santa's parades, famous companies such as Macy's or Eaton's used those parades to launch a big advertising push. Therefore becomming  Fridays after Thanksgiving Day the day when the shopping season officially started. In addition, on 2009 the term "Brown Thursday" was estabilished by media due to the desire of customers of Black Friday to be earlier. Thus, Black Friday was estabilished thanks to the advertisement of famous companies on these days. Business always are taking advantage of this weekend. At the last Black Friday, celebrated on 29 November of this year, there were big queues filled of customers in order to take advantage of the disc

The Right age to get married

As introduction, the concept of getting married with someone requires a big amount of responsability and maturity, therefore being the right age to get married around the 18's, but we have some other facts as Arranged marriage, consisting in marrying you're child in order to archive power as lands and money, this was a famous practice around medium ages and modern ones, in fact it still happening in countries like India. Getting married is an important part in you're relationship and in your life just because you swear to be with that person until your death. For this reason, you have to be a mature person and you have to be sure you want to spend your entire life with that person. Although you marry with a person and the love extinnguish, you are able to divorce. Anyways, to marry you must be mature, thus the perfect age to marry would be between 18 to 21 years old, due to over those years people are more mature and has the opportunity to decide by themselves. In additi