21. Discrimination

Some people think discrimination is not a threat or a problem anymore, but that is not true. Indeed there are more than one type of discrimination, but it be stated two main type of discrimination, the gender one and race discrimination.

The gender discrimination has been a problem since beginning of times. The reasons are not stated, because it is unknown why it happened, however this kind of discrimination has always happened. On Media ages, women had not right of voting(though a low percentage of the population could vote), and they were able only to take care of childs and to clean, even a man could break an oath and not getting punished while a woman could do the same thing regardless whether was her fault or not and being punished on a severe way. Although this situation is better currently, there are some cases of machism and misandry, such as women who have lower wage than man, or people that can't have a certain job due to their gender. Therefore, gender discrimination is on a better condition than before, but there are concepts and facts that needs to be solved.

The Race discrimination has the same history than the gender one. The reason of the appareance of this discrimination was the start of the colony era. dwellers of those territories were forced to be slaves and to work for foreigners who came to destroy his land. Race discrimination is still happening nowadays. There are two main types of discrimination, the race one and the religious one. On the race discrimination, we have problems especially on black people getting killed for only being black. And on the religious one we had a well-known problem with jews being tortured and slaughtered by Nazis. Therefore, race discrimination is a problem and a threat to society due to this behavior of people toward people with different race or religion.

On the whole, discrimination is still happening nowadays, especially the gender and race one.


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