The Right age to get married

As introduction, the concept of getting married with someone requires a big amount of responsability and maturity, therefore being the right age to get married around the 18's, but we have some other facts as Arranged marriage, consisting in marrying you're child in order to archive power as lands and money, this was a famous practice around medium ages and modern ones, in fact it still happening in countries like India.

Getting married is an important part in you're relationship and in your life just because you swear to be with that person until your death. For this reason, you have to be a mature person and you have to be sure you want to spend your entire life with that person. Although you marry with a person and the love extinnguish, you are able to divorce. Anyways, to marry you must be mature, thus the perfect age to marry would be between 18 to 21 years old, due to over those years people are more mature and has the opportunity to decide by themselves. In addition, there are countries that do not have age restriction, such as India, North Korea, or Afganistan. Therefore, marrying a person needs a large sum of madurity and responsability, hence having a range of age to marry between 18 and 21 years.

While most of the population are marrying for love, many other people are being forced to get married by their parents in order to archive power and lands, this is known as Arranged marriage. Although this practice was famous in medium ages, this concept is still happening in these times, for instance this is happening in countries like India, Afganistan, North Korea, etc; the causes are simple, the need to archive more family power by marrying their childs with another powerful family, otherwise, the lack of power in the family might cause the disapparance of it. This type of marriage does not requires any age restriction by the child. Thus in Arranged marriage childs do not decide, therefore not needing any age restriction.

In short, people who gets married needs to have an age restriction, in order to decide with maturity. However, in Arranged marriage they can marry regardless of any age restriction.

11:00-11:42 02/12


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