25. A movie star/singer you like

By way of introduction, celebrities is a topic too discussed. In my case, I love Emma Watson for many reasons.

The first reason and most important one is how she take advantage of her fame and influence in order to state her opinions and trying to change the world to a better place. She declared herself femisist at the age of 19, and she has been fighting for women right since that moment. She had given speeches all around the world and helped a good number of women who had been victims of machism. Femisism is not the only movement she support, racism and the end of child labor; but here is stated her history with feminism because is the cause she helped the most. In addition, there are some quotes from Emma Watson I want to leave in this writting, "In my nervousness for this speech and my moments of doubt, I've told myself firmly, If not me, who? If not now, when?"; "Feminism is not here to dictate to you. It's not prescrptive, it's not dogmatic. All we are here to do is give you a choice"; "The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself, and shine amongs those who never believe she could".

The second reason is more personal for me. She is my favorite "celebritie" as a result of her behaviour. She looks very funny and kind at that point that is it want of my dream to be with her and talk with her, even if it is less than 3 minutes. My desire is to talk about those movements she defends because she is an interesting person to talk with; and I could have a lot of fun by only talking with her and we would debate about our opinions.
