1.2 Prewritting techniques

We had to do some prewritting techniques in order to improve or writting. This technique is called "Brainstorming"
We used 5 methods: freewritting, listing, clustering, asking questions and cubing
Freewritting: Topic: technologies(LED bulb)
LED bulbs save even a 40% of energy than a normal buld
Its creators were Nick Holonyak, Shuji Nakanura and Oleg Lósev
There are many more intelligent LED bulbs than normal bulbs
LED bulbs are more expensive than a normal bulb
Listing: Topic: technologies           - Apple
- New jobs                                      - Windows
- History of technology                  - Improvements to society
- Microsoft                                     - Disadvantages and advantages
- Bill Gates
- Videogames

Clustering: Topic: Adictions

6 questions technique: Topic: Anime, Akira Toriyama's biography

Who does the topic concerns? The topic concerns the life and the most famous productions
What is he/she trying to accomplish? He wants to share with the world his histories
How can the implications of the (idea) be seen? As a way of knowledge, or as a way of curiosity
When does/did this idea emerge? When Akira Toriyama was born
Why? Because is a biography, and you know, it starts when the person in the biography is born
How? Uhm, when a man and a woman loves eachother, they ask to a stork to carry a baby for them.


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